
I write about leveraging digital solutions to help drive business growth and optimize performance.

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A few handcrafted articles about my thoughts and experiments.

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Mobile App User Acquisition Strategies and Tips
In this article, find some effective ways to acquire users for apps. It will also help to identify user acquisition channels for apps. Therefore following these tips, tricks, and best practices, can set a better future for the app.
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Solution to achieve a Single Sign-On (SSO) across Multiple Laravel Applications
Solution to achieve a single sign-on (SSO) across multiple Laravel applications running as subdomains of a single domain. Here's a detailed step-by-step guide with the necessary code to implement this.
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Unveiling the Hidden Powers of HTML - Discovering Powerful HTML Abilities You Didn't Know About
HTML is far more than a simple markup language; it is a versatile tool packed with hidden powers waiting to be unleashed. In this article, I will delve deeper into HTML's lesser-known abilities.
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Exploring the Potential of PyScript for UI Development and Web Applications
PyScript is meant to give Python developers, particularly data scientists, more flexibility and power. This article will guide you through the process of setting up PyScript and demonstrate its usage with detailed working code examples.
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ChatGPT for Code writing.
How I am utilizing ChatGPT in different ways to aid in my code writing
While ChatGPT is widely known for its natural language processing capabilities, it can also be leveraged to streamline and expedite the code writing process.
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Top 10 WordPress Optimization Tricks & Tips for 2023
In this article, I will explore the top 10 optimization tricks and tips for WordPress in 2023, along with practical code examples.
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Here are 10 new AI tools you cannot miss in 2023 - If you're not using AI, you're falling behind
In the rapidly evolving world of AI, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. To help you navigate the latest advancements, here are 10 new AI tools that you cannot afford to miss in 2023.
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Implementeing Prophet Technique for Time Series Forecasting using Python
Prophet is an open-source library developed by Facebook for time series forecasting. It provides a simplified and automated approach to generate high-quality forecasts.
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Mastering Web Scraping - A Comprehensive Guide with Essential Code Examples
In today's digital age, data is abundant, and harnessing its power is key to gaining a competitive edge in marketing.
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