
I write about leveraging digital solutions to help drive business growth and optimize performance.

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A few handcrafted articles about my thoughts and experiments.

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How to integrate Next.js Markdown with Algolia effectively
Combination of technologies and tools that allows you to create a search functionality for a Next.js application using Markdown files as a data source and Algolia as the search engine.
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How to Build Your Own AI Apps - Powered by OpenAI, Even If You Don't Know How to Code.
In this article, I will explore how you can create your own AI-powered applications using OpenAI, even if you don't have coding experience.
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The Most Critical Skills you need to Learn and Teach your Children in the AI age.
With the advent of AI, several critical skills have become increasingly valuable for individuals and can greatly benefit children as they prepare for the future.
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Forecasting using ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) Technique.
Here's a step-by-step guide on implementing ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) for time series forecasting using Python.
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Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build an application with the frontend in Next.js and backend in WordPress.
In this article, we will learn how add Google Analytics to a Next.js app. The first step is to set up a Google Analytics account.
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The Rise of AI in Digital Marketing - How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Strategies
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming digital marketing strategies, providing businesses with unprecedented opportunities for growth and success.
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Data Analytics for Actionable Insights - Making Data-Driven Decisions in Marketing
In today's digital age, data is abundant, and harnessing its power is key to gaining a competitive edge in marketing.
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How to Create Open Graph (OG) Images for your Next.js Application
To create Open Graph (OG) images for your Next.js application, you can utilize the html2canvas library to capture a screenshot of a specific component and generate an image file.
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Unlocking Your Potential - Why You Must Start Using AI Assist Now
The era of AI assistants is here, and the benefits they bring are too significant to ignore. From increased productivity and efficiency to personalized assistance and improved decision-making.
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